Gastrectomy, or a gastric sleeve, is a procedure to remove a portion of the stomach. The process reduces the stomach to a sleeve, restricting the food consumed in one sitting. A gastric sleeve also regulates hormones responsible for hunger. Here is an outline of the Frisco robotic surgery and how it improves the gastrectomy procedure.
When is a gastric sleeve necessary?
A gastric sleeve is a type of bariatric surgery to reduce the size of your stomach. The procedure removes approximately 80% of the stomach. It limits the capacity of your stomach to hold food.
Removing a portion of the stomach limits hormones causing hunger. A gastric sleeve procedure minimizes food cravings, facilitating weight loss.
The surgery is a weight-loss procedure for patients with obesity. Your healthcare provider may recommend the gastric sleeve procedure if you have a BMI of over 35. It is ideal for people who have been unsuccessful with other weight management strategies.
Obesity can increase the risk of sleep apnea, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. A gastrectomy can help manage symptoms of these conditions.
According to the National Institute of Health, gastric sleeve is one of the most effective weight loss procedures. Patients with cardiovascular conditions may need to manage their weight fast to prevent health complications. However, the patient should exhaust other therapeutic methods before considering a gastric sleeve procedure.
What is robot-assisted surgery?
Robot-assisted surgery utilizes robots to ensure precision and minimal incisions during the bariatric procedure. Traditional gastrectomy involves open surgery, which requires long incisions.
Robotic-assisted surgery is laparoscopic, which uses minute incisions to access certain areas of your body. The robot enhances the surgeon’s dexterity, enabling surgeons to use instruments without open surgery.
However, the robot does not operate on its own. The robot mimics the movements of the surgeon. The surgeon must be present at all times.
The surgeon guides instruments using the Da Vinci® Xi system. The system magnifies the images to allow for the accurate positioning of surgical instruments. It facilitates access to areas of the body that would not be accessible even with open surgery.
What are the benefits of robotic surgery?
One advantage of robotic surgery is that it does not require large cuts. The incisions are minute, usually less than a third of an inch. The robotic-assisted process does not leave visible scarring. It also minimizes the risk of infections.
The surgeon can control the arm from a console next to the patient. The device minimizes human errors by reducing fatigue during the surgical process. Since it eliminates mistakes, it is much safer than open surgery.
The precision of the robotic arm also reduces gastrointestinal leaks. The process has a lower impact on the body than a traditional open procedure. As a result, it reduces the recovery time and reduces hospitalization.
Robot-assisted bariatric surgery has a reputation for precision, safety, and reliability. Compared to traditional open surgery, robotic surgery is less likely to require repeat procedures.
To find out if robot-assisted surgery is right for you, contact the Bariatric Experts to schedule a consultation today.