Procedure to obtain a  car license

If you want to drive a vehicle on the roads then you cannot just simply drive anywhere by taking over the car keys. It is extremely advisable in the first case to get yourself issued a car licence. This ka licence is said to be one of the most important authorisation to a person for driving the car on the roads. It is able to authorise a very important fact that the person is equipped to drive properly and also is of the age of majority.

It also allows the police authorities to assume that the person is not a child anymore and therefore the likelihood of committing Mistakes would be decreased. That is why after you attain the age of majority you can apply to the concerned authority for the issuance of the car licence. The steps that have to be taken and the procedure that have to be followed for this purpose has been summarised in the following way. If you are planning to learning driving the first thing you need to have is a car license to save yourself from getting into legal trouble.

Open the websites of your state

Car licences issued by the authorities of the state in which you have to drive the car. It is equally important to provide for the fact that every type of car licence contains the authorisation of the state department.

So that is why it is important to be conversant with the website of the concerned state that will allow you to apply for a new licence. There is no Universal website in India over which you can apply for the issuance of the licence but rather there are different websites for every state over which you can apply for the licence. You need to get  that website in the first place.

Appy for driving license

This website would be providing the option of making an application for a driving licence. You can click on this option for applying the same and at the same point of time you will be directed to different page in which you need to fill in the required details such as your age and your address including your other address proof along with your identification cards. You must also have a Dubai driving license with you. This will not only save you from getting tickets but will also be helpful in driving across the borders safely.

This will help the government to authenticate that you are a genuine person and are not committing fraud on the government. You need to fill in the details properly and after you have filled your details you meet to click on the apply button.


Driving test

After your application has been submitted you will be called by the state department for appear for a driving test in which the concerned authorities would be testing your ability to drive by creating a hypothetical scenario of a road and you would be given a car to drive.

At the same point of time it becomes very important to ascertain and provide for the fact that every type of driving test must be made available to a person and if a person is able to qualify that test automatically he will be selected. After this the licence would be issued to him.


It is important to remember that driving without a licence in India is a crime and an illegal activity. That is why getting yourself issued a one is very important. Carry a driving license with you and you will not face any issues for a safe and comfortable driving in the country.