Diabetes is one of the typical irritating problems affecting most people worldwide. For instance, individuals with this condition are more likely to develop diabetic foot ulcers that can cause gangrene. If you are among those affected, visiting Newnan diabetic wound care center can be the first step toward addressing your problem.
If left untreated, diabetic wounds can become incurable. A wound care center can help address this condition early and educate you on the possible risk factors. Let’s look at some common risk factors of diabetic wounds that your wound care center will let you know.
Smoking increases the body’s sugar levels and makes them difficult to manage. Individuals who smoke require larger insulin doses to maintain their sugar levels. On the other hand, smoking slows the rate at which your wound heals.
The slowed healing is due to insufficient oxygen to stimulate skin cell growth. Besides, declined collagen synthesis and slow development of new wounds can be responsible for diabetic wounds. Smoking also increases the risk of vasculitis, worsening clogging of blood vessels supplying blood to the toes.
Older peoples are more likely to experience diabetic foot ulcers because of damaged pancreatic islet function and increased insulin resistance. Besides, middle-aged patients tend to be more prone to have worse lifestyles and glucose control. As a result, the development of wound ulcers has more chance of affecting older people.
Since diabetes is common among aged people, it means they are also at greater risk of having fewer white blood cells. Declined count makes their body unable to fight infections. As a result, diabetic foot ulcers tend to occur frequently among aged individuals.
Long-Term History of Diabetes
High levels of blood sugar are a popular concern among people with diabetes. With time, the higher levels cause loss of feeling or numbness to your feet and toes. Since the legs and feet have minor blood vessels, they tend to be more susceptible to clog.
Your feet acquire the least amount of blood since they are at the end. Insufficient oxygen in the toes and feet makes it difficult for already-developed wounds to heal while others develop. Contact your provider if you have a history of diabetes to manage your diabetic wounds.
High Blood Pressure
A person with hypertension is more likely to develop diabetes. Similarly, a person with both conditions may notice each condition worsens the other. Therefore, if you have high blood pressure, your risk of having diabetic foot ulcers is also high.
Inflammation, activation of the immune system, and oxidative stress may be responsible for it. Even if hypertension may not directly lead to diabetic wounds, it surges the risk of worsened ulcers if you have it. To avoid these, contact your physician, as different treatments are available.
Your diet is significant in protecting the body from several complications. Nutrition, however, is not the first thing your physician thinks about when treating individuals with diabetic foot ulcers. Regardless, it is an essential component for faster wound healing.
Malnutrition is associated with slowed healing aspects such as glycemic control and immune function. Lack of protein rich-foods and whole grains can cause worsened diabetic wounds and slowed recovery. Consuming these foods would foster faster success in healing diabetic wounds.
If left untreated, diabetic foot ulcers can be devastating and frustrating. The inability to walk and the risk of infections are some effects that may affect your overall quality of life. Thus, you should schedule an appointment with a diabetic wound care center for examinations and treatment.
The basic step of preventative care is getting the patient education. If you have diabetes, visiting a primary care provider should be your priority. A provider will help to prevent diabetic wounds by ensuring you follow the recommended instructions.