Vibration Dampers: Everything You Need To Know Before Buying The Product

Vibration dampers, also called Vibra stops, are essential accessories to reduce impacts and noise caused by the high propagation of vibrations in household appliances and industrial equipment, such as washing machines, air conditioning, grinding machines, and generators.

If your customer suffers from high wear or noise from machinery due to the impact of vibrations, find out how to offer an effective solution to his problem.

Find out what vibration dampers just like in are for and which models can be used for each type of equipment in homes and businesses.

The emergence of vibration dampers and their main benefits

Seeking to build a part capable of minimizing the impacts of vibrations on industrial equipment and, consequently, ending excess noise, auditory wear, and stress due to noise

vibration dampers have become such essential pieces of equipment that their use has been indicated for both residential and industrial items. Indoors, consumers can use the Vibra stop to reduce noise caused by washing machines, air conditioning, and ventilation equipment. In commercial and industrial establishments, the accessory can be used in benches with machinery, filers, grinders, saws, generators, sanders, injection molding machines, compressions, and machines, among other equipment.

The industry has indeed known this accessory for a long time. On the other hand, consumers are not aware of this solution and still believe that they need to be suffering from the noise of domestic equipment.

It is necessary to show your customers that the lack of vibration dampers causes auditory discomfort and causes wear to the equipment, reducing its useful life. Shopkeepers and consumers must be aware of all the product’s advantages to prevent damage and maintenance costs.

The main benefits of vibration dampers are:

  • greater absorption of machinery vibrations;
  • better regulation and leveling of equipment;
  • protection against wear on the floor and anti-slip function
  • reduction of noise and vibration impacts
  • increase in the useful life of the equipment

Electricity Isolation

All these advantages are provided by the different models that have specific structures for each type of equipment.

Attention! Before choosing the type of vibrating stop, it is necessary to know the load rating indicated for the shock absorber:

Static charge: the definition of the charge of the object stationary on top of the shock absorber. In other words, it is the capacity to support only the total weight of the piece.

Dynamic load: defines the supported weight of the object when moved above the Vibra stop. In this case, the value is defined by the force of inertia and the object’s weight.