These 5 Sclerotherapy Stages Will Get Rid of Your Spider and Varicose Veins

Over time and with certain factors present, you may develop conditions such as venous insufficiency that weaken or damage your veins’ valves. These conditions can disrupt normal blood flow and cause blood to pool in your veins, leading to the two most common vein problems – spider veins and varicose veins. When this happens, your doctor may recommend a sclerotherapy Venice procedure. 

This is a minimally invasive treatment that delivers a sclerosant liquid into damaged veins, forcing them to collapse. It is one of the most effective treatments for spider and varicose veins, which can be unsightly and painful. If you are ready to explore it, here is a breakdown of what it entails.

Initial Consultation and Physical Exam

Sclerotherapy begins with an initial consultation during which your provider establishes your medical history and suitability for the treatment. Come ready to answer questions about your current medications, previous treatments for varicose or spider veins, allergies, and more. Usually, your provider will also perform a physical exam to determine the cause and extent of the problem. Make sure to mention if you have a history of heart problems or blood clots. Your provider will also need to know if you take blood thinners or other medications that can increase your risk of bleeding.

Pre-Procedure Preparation

On the day of the treatment, your provider may perform an ultrasound of the affected area – usually the legs – to identify where to inject the solution. This will happen in your doctor’s office and the entire procedure should last about an hour. Wear loose clothing and avoid oiling or shaving your legs. Once you are ready, a technician will direct you to lie on your back on the examination table with your legs slightly raised. They will then clean the treatment site.


At this point, your provider will slowly inject the liquid solution into the affected veins. They will use a small needle and you may feel some minor cramping or stinging upon impact. Sclerotherapy should not hurt, however, and you should tell your doctor if it does. The solution might have leaked into the surrounding tissue. After the injection, your doctor will massage and apply pressure to the site to spread the solution and prevent blood from entering the vein. They may also tape it before proceeding to the next vein. Naturally, the number of injections you get will depend on the number of damaged veins.

Post-Procedure Care

You can usually stand and walk around after the procedure. In fact, moving around is encouraged as it can prevent clot formation. If you wish to, you can resume your regular schedule that very day although it is advisable to have someone drive you home. Your provider may also recommend that you avoid exposing the treatment area to sun and exercising or exerting yourself for two weeks. To keep pressure on the veins, you can also wear bandages or compression stockings for two weeks.


In most cases, you should see the results of sclerotherapy within 3 to 6 weeks for spider veins and small varicose veins and between 3 to 4 months for larger veins. You may need multiple treatments for the best results but this is something your doctor will confirm after your first procedure.

Schedule Your Sclerotherapy Treatment Today

Varicose veins are unsightly – but more than make you feel conscious about your appearance, they can also cause pain and other uncomfortable symptoms. Doctors performed 295,331 sclerotherapy procedures in 2020 alone in the US to relieve this problem. If you are dealing with the discoloration, cramping, pain, and itching that often accompanies spider and varicose veins, contact a vascular specialist today to schedule your sclerotherapy treatment and find relief.