What You Need to Know About Sciatica

Having lower back pain can be incredibly debilitating. It often goes hand-in-hand with pain in other areas and is sometimes a symptom of a serious underlying health condition. The effects of lower back pain can be wide-ranging and may even lead to premature disability that requires long-term care. One of the leading causes of lower back pain is Dayton Sciatica.

Sciatica is a condition in which the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back to the feet, becomes inflamed. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body, so inflammation can cause serious pain. This pain may radiate in a pattern that runs along the length of the nerve and may include sharp pains. Pain may be felt in one or both legs and can sometimes extend to individual toes.

What are the symptoms of sciatica?

  • Pain and tingling or numbness in one leg that radiates down to your foot
  • Weakness or loss of movement in one leg
  • Difficulty walking
  • Pain while sitting

Sciatica may be caused by several issues, which include the following;

Herniated discs

A herniated disc can put pressure on your spinal cord and surrounding nerves if it pushes against them as they exit your spine. A herniated disc can also damage the spinal cord at any point along its path if it presses against parts of it along its way out of your body.

The degree to which this causes symptoms depends on how much pressure there is, where the herniation occurs in relation to all these nerves leaving your spine, and what particular nerves are being pinched.

Spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis is one of the most common causes of sciatica. Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal canal that can cause pressure on the nerve roots of the spinal cord. This pressure can lead to pain, numbness, and tingling down one or both legs. The condition can also happen due to wear and tear on the spine. As you age, your vertebrae may begin to collapse and lose height, increasing pressure on your spinal cord and nerve roots.

Piriformis syndrome

This condition occurs when irritation develops where the piriformis muscle attaches to the sciatic nerve at the hip area (posterior gluteal region), causing radiating leg pain, weakness of hip muscles, and the sensation of electric shock down the leg. This happens when moving a certain way while walking or standing up from a sitting position.

What is the best treatment for sciatica?

The best treatment for sciatica is to treat the cause of the problem. If you have sciatica, your doctor will likely recommend you take some time off from work, rest, and avoid straining your back. This allows the irritated nerve to heal slowly and reduces the risk of further injury.

Sciatica causes pain in the lower back and legs. It’s often caused by a slipped disc or pressure on a nerve in the spine. You can also get sciatica from sitting too long or straining your lower back. The good news is that sciatica can be managed. If you have sciatica symptoms, Vertrae® can help.