Top 5 Ways to Care for Your Heart Valves

A healthy heart requires sturdy heart valves. Having a healthy, well-functioning heart is essential for life. Taking care of your nutrition, exercising regularly, and maintaining a healthy blood pressure level may contribute to a healthier heart and more robust heart valves. If you are worried about valvular heart disease Plano, here are some tips to keep it at bay:

  1. Stop smoking

Not surprisingly, smoking is bad for your valves since it is responsible for one in three fatalities connected to heart disease. Tobacco use hastens atherosclerotic plaque development in the coronary arteries. In addition to increasing blood pressure, it also contributes to the production of blood clots. Ending your smoking habit may lessen the danger to your heart’s valves and other cardiac structures.

  1. A moderate workout

Maintaining a regular exercise routine positively affects health, including maintaining a healthy heart. Physical activity of moderate intensity may aid in weight loss, fitness improvement, and stress relief. High blood pressure and “bad” LDL cholesterol levels are risk factors for heart disease, but both may be lowered with its treatment.

The American Heart Association recommends that adults obtain at least 30 minutes of moderate activity five days weekly.

  1. Diet

Maintaining a healthy heart requires eating a good, well-balanced diet. Reducing the consumption of processed foods and increasing the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits are two preventative measures recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Reducing sugar consumption also reduces the risk of diabetes. People with diabetes are at double the risk of acquiring cardiovascular disease or stroke as individuals who don’t have the condition. Blood pressure, which may cause damage to the heart valves, can be lowered by cutting down on salt and alcohol, both of which are recommended by the CDC.

  1. Maintain a healthy blood pressure

The heart’s valves are only one of several cardiac structures and functions that high blood pressure may damage. Aortic valve stenosis is more likely to occur in people with hypertension or high blood pressure. According to the revised recommendations, a blood pressure reading of 130 over 80 is excessive. To prevent hypertension from damaging your aortic valve in the future, your doctor may check your blood pressure and advise you on the best course of treatment.

  1. Good oral health

Taking care of your teeth has surprising ramifications for your heart, particularly the heart valves. In 2018, the American Heart Association revealed the results of research investigating whether or not regular toothbrush use increased the risk of cardiovascular disease.

A threefold increase in risk was seen among those who washed their teeth less than twice daily for less than two minutes—brushing your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes or more benefits your overall and cardiovascular health.

Your heart’s health is important, and there is no time like now to start making positive changes for yourself. Making positive lifestyle adjustments may benefit your and your community’s cardiovascular health. If you are ready to improve your heart health, schedule your appointment at Heart and Vascular Care today.