Nasal polyps are a common cause of sinusitis and other sinus problems. The growths develop in the mucosal lining of the sinuses or the nasal passages. Infections, allergies, immune system abnormalities, asthma, and other conditions are common triggers. Little nasal polyps often cause no symptoms, but bigger polyps may cause breathing difficulties, a diminished ability to smell, a runny nose, an increased risk of infection, and other issues. Fortunately, you may take steps to lessen your risk of nasal polyps Los Angeles or their return after therapy.
- Use a humidifier
Dry air might be a contributing factor to nasal polyps and persistent discomfort. Some individuals develop nasal polyps in response to dry air, while others experience coughing due to dry air. You can assist in keeping your sinuses from being blocked by using a humidifier whenever possible.
- Take care of asthma and allergies
Do everything your doctor tells you to do about your therapy. Ask your doctor for advice on a new course of therapy if your symptoms are not improving.
- Consume spicy foods
When you eat anything spicy, your body responds in several ways. A runny nose is one example of a response. When you eat anything spicy, your nose may start to run, which may be a good thing since it flushes out any congestion. Add some chili peppers or chili powder to your spicy dish, and you will have the perfect remedy.
- Avoid dust
Dust is another frequent irritant that may exacerbate nasal polyps. Even if you don’t have an allergy to dust, breathing in dust might irritate your nasal passages. When going somewhere that might become dusty, bring a mask just with you.
- Use a nasal saline solution
It has been scientifically shown that nasal rinses are useful in removing mucus and other obstructions from the sinuses. They help remove the growth and allergens that may aggravate your nasal polyps. For rinsing out your nasal passages, net pods are a common tool. You pour saline water into one nostril and allow it to drain out the other.
- Take care of your hygiene
One of the most common causes of nasal polyps deteriorating is interaction with germs or other irritants. You may help prevent the spread of germs and other external organisms that might worsen your nasal polyps by maintaining a high standard of personal cleanliness.
- Keep an eye on the water you are using
When preparing an irrigation solution, only use water that has been distilled, sterilized, boiled for one minute, let to cool, or filtered through a filter with an absolute pore size of 1 micron or less. After each usage, fill the irrigation system with purified water and dry it in the open.
It would help if you avoided anything that might aggravate your nasal polyps. There is some evidence that a diet rich in anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting foods may also alleviate the symptoms of this condition. You can always ask an expert for help if you have any questions or concerns. Schedule a consultation with Mani H. Zadeh, MD, FACS, today if nasal polyps are becoming a concern.